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Clitoral Unhooding, or Hoodectomy is also known as Clitoral Circumcision

A feminine genital surgical procedure to remove excess Prepuce tissue—the surrounding "hood" that sheaths the clitoral node on three sides.

Who Are The Best Candidates?
Before & After Photos
About the Procedure and Recovery Time
What to Expect
Costs and Financing Information
Important Questions to Ask Before Choosing Your Surgeon
Why You Should Be Prepared To Travel To The Right Surgeon
Contact us for More Information

Who Are The Best Candidates?
Women who believe they have a difficult time reaching sexual climax (or not at all), or those who often demonstrate enlarged labia, which can be indicative of excess tissue in the Clitoral Hood. Hoodectomy is also called Female Clitoral Circumcision, in that it is representative of a common male procedure that some doctors say can be comparative. There is no stereotypical woman to describe the physical characteristics of a candidate for Hoodectomy. The decision to have this procedure done is largely an elective one, depending on the desires of the individual. Generally, woman in average physical condition or good health can be a candidate for Clitoral Unhooding surgery.

Before & After Photos of Clitoral Unhooding

Before Clitoral Unhooding photo After Clitoral Unhooding photo
Before Clitoral Unhooding
After Clitoral Unhooding

Click here to see more Before and After Photos of Hoodectomy.

About the Procedure and Recovery Time:
To begin, your surgeon might choose to perform a series of tests to determine if there is an actual need for the procedure. Sometimes, the problem can lie with a hormonal imbalance and the sexual dysfunction may not require a surgery at all. If, after testing, the surgeon determines there is a need, a topical anesthesia ointment is usually applied to numb the immediate area, permitting further numbing of the area with a more concentrated anesthetic, usually combined with a vascular constrictor such as epinephrine to reduce fluid loss. Once the area is anesthetized, the clitoral node is retracted from the Prepuce (clitoral hood) allowing sufficient space for a small surgical incision. Generally, a curved incision is made roughly around the clitoral hood. In most instances the incision is approximately 1⁄4” long. Never, at any time, is the clitoris node near enough to the incision area to risk any injury to the nervous tissue, because it is retracted far enough to prevent accidental damage. At all times, since the procedure is considered a minimal one, the patient is awake. The area remains numb for approximately 60-90 minutes, which is more than enough time to finish the Hoodectomy procedure. The small incision is closed with a few sutures that dissolve in about seven days. A bandage is placed that provides compression to the region and helps reduce discomfort and swelling. The person leaves the office surgical center within an hour or so after the procedure.

What to Expect:
Normally, you’ll arrive for your procedure the day before if coming from out of town. Once you’re scheduled for surgery (usually the day after you arrive), you’ll be prepped for the procedure. By this time, you would have been instructed to take antibiotics that the surgeon had prescribed and would have been doing so for at least two days prior to the procedure.
Clitoral Unhooding typically takes approximately 30 minutes, sometimes less, because the procedure is relatively minimal. You won’t feel any pain what so ever, and afterwards, you’ll be given a cold pack to deal with minor discomfort from inflammation. As well, if needed, pain medications are prescribed to help with the discomfort, but this isn’t usually needed. After approximately 1-3 days, you’ll be able to return to your regular routine. At this time the patient can take showers and begin to move around normally. The results can be seen immediately. Full activities including gym work, bicycling, and running can usually be resumed about three to four weeks following surgery. It is recommended that full physical activities and sexual intercourse (or activities) be delayed for three weeks to permit the sutures to dissolve and tissues to re-bond.
Surgical risks are few, but may include inflammation (usually from the incised tissues, or a slight reaction to the suture material), some slight bleeding, and possibly infection, although this is very rare.

Costs and Financing Information:
See our Costs & Financing page for more information.

Important Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing your Surgeon:
If you’ve been wrestling with a sexual dysfunction issue and not enjoying sex with your mate, you may have decided to research the matter more carefully. There is a wealth of information available—because it is now considered a very common problem. If, after self-examination, you think you may have an excess amount of Clitoral Hood tissue, or perhaps have large labia (very often the two are related) you may choose to contact a surgeon specializing in Hoodectomy.

The only thing to do now… is to find the right surgeon who can assure you'll receive the best success without any problems.

To begin, it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to realize that not all surgeons perform Female Clitoral Circumcision. The fact is… very, very few perform this procedure on A REGULAR BASIS.

True, many surgeons will say they perform clitoral circumcision, mostly OB-GYNs, and some might even say they do them regularly. But, the key is to find someone fully qualified, that performs the procedure AT LEAST 4-5 TIMES PER MONTH. That means, the surgeon you choose, should average approximately one every week.

Why is this SO IMPORTANT?

Because while the procedure itself is minimal, in that very little tissue is excised, it requires much more talent . . . more so, than most people realize. Here's why —

  1. The objective of Clitoral Unhooding is to remove the excess tissue in the Prepuce (clitoral hood) so that the clitoral node is sufficiently exposed to permit sensual stimulation. That may sound easy to do. But the facts are; if too much tissue is removed, over stimulation can result, creating an often-painful situation.
  2. Just as bad, removing tissue asymmetrically can mean you’ll be left with an irregular appearing clitoris.
    In both instances, it requires the talent of the surgeon to have enough visual ability—ability only gained by performing lots of Hoodectomies—to be able to study the anatomical “layout” of the woman, including her musculature, weight, proportions, ethnicity and other factors and use their aesthetic ability to create the right suture, in the right incision area


  1. How many Clitoral Unhoodings did the surgeon you are considering do last month? How many last week? How many in the last three months? Just remember, Hoodectomies require that the surgeon isn't merely a 'visitor' to this type of surgery...but, someone who is a 'regular'.
  2. Ask the surgeon if you can speak with his most recent few patients. Most surgeons who perform this procedure regularly won't have a problem letting you speak with their former patients.
  3. Ask them if they’ve had any complications from the procedure, including infection problems. A poor decision, based on cost, or lack of experience can come back to haunt you.

Why You Should Be Prepared To Travel To The Right Surgeon:
Because there are only a few qualified surgeons with enough experience to perform Clitoral Unhooding, there’s a good chance that they might not be located in your immediate area.

Sometimes, the first inclination you might have is to simply accept this and settle for a local doctor who probably hasn’t done more than a handful of these procedures in their career. To do so is a big mistake. As mentioned earlier, the key to a good result is EXPERIENCE. That means, simply, the more procedures the doctor has done, the better for you. If you are willing to spend an extra day or two of your time, and perhaps even the cost of an airfare (although most surgeons on this website offer travel discounts and assistance with travel arrangements), you’d be well served to do so, because you can almost assure yourself of a good result. To choose a surgeon based on price—to save even several hundred dollars—is a bad decision, in retrospect, after something goes wrong by using a local surgeon. Medically, there’s an old saying . . . once tissue is removed, one can’t simply put it back on again. You’ll be stuck with the results for the rest of your life.

Because of the importance of this issue, we have surgeons who offer not simply travel discounts for people coming in from out of the area, but, as well, complete packages that allow for special pricing on a hotel, transfers (so you’re never lost), medical follow-up (doctors check with you afterwards, or a nurse), and post-operative care. The cost of these packages is often less than if you’d have made the arrangements yourself.




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